In the event your card is declined when we process your order, you will receive a notification to update your payment. We will attempt to process payment daily for up to three days. If all three attempts fail, your order will be canceled. Your subscription will remain active, however, and we will attempt to process your next order on the next date scheduled.
If you need your monthly order before the next scheduled date, update your payment information, confirm your item selections, and click 'Process Now' on the Subscription page.
We and our third-party payment service providers may request, and we may receive, updated credit card information from your credit card issuer, such as updated card numbers and expiration date information when your credit card has expired. If such updated information is provided to us and our third-party payment service providers, we will update your account information accordingly and will use such updated information to process payments for your future purchases and subscriptions. Your credit card issuer may give you the right to opt out of providing vendors and third-party payment service providers with your updated credit card information. If you wish to opt out of your credit card’s updating service, you should contact your credit card issuer.